Watch out!! The Grinch and Max are out and about today visiting all the classrooms!
Reminder to the Floodwood Community that there is an ECFE holiday event tomorrow (12/19) evening from 4:30-6:30!
Thank you to all who joined us last night for the Winter Concert! The students did an amazing job and a big THANK YOU to Mr Pfeifer, Floodwood Band Director/Music Teacher for putting together amazing performances!
Congratulations to our Winter Wonderland Coloring Contest winners, Elias Skripsky for 7-12 years old and William Bayerle for 0-6 years old.
Are you willing to help with a high school unit on "sewing"?
Willing individuals would be helping with a mini-unit lasting roughly a week. Items that may be covered include the following:
*basic sewing terminology
*tools needed for basic sewing
*threading a needle and securing a knot
*sewing on a button
*fixing holes in socks and other clothing
*hemming pants by hand
*Possible unit - creating a pattern and creating a product the students want to make
This would be roughly 1 hour a day from 9:15 - 10:15.
If interested, please contact Kelli Ellingson, Math Teacher at or call the Floodwood School at 218-476-2285.
Thank you to all who joined us for the Clay Tree Workshop. Everyone had a great time and the trees turned out beautiful!
Winter Concert is tomorrow Tuesday December 17th at 6:00pm. ALL ARE WELCOME!!! Music Boosters will be have a raffle and Junior Class will be selling treats! See you all then!
Floodwood School Office Hours for Winter Break
Holiday Read a thon will continue through Friday December 20th. Congratulations to some of our first week winners! Read for 30 minutes and you are entered in a drawing for Scholastic books every day until winter break!
Fun Friday math cookies for the 6th graders today.
Next Weeks Holiday Dress up days!
The district is looking to update the Floodwood Safe Routes to School Plan and is looking for interested community members to join the planning team. If you are interested in being a part of this team, please email Mrs. Fjeld at
Winter Concert is Tuesday December 17th at 6:00pm. ALL ARE WELCOME!!! Music Boosters will be have a raffle and Junior Class will be selling treats! See you all then!
This Saturdays tournament is still in need of volunteers. Tournament should run from 8:15-10:30.
Basketball Tournament Volunteers Needed!
Adults (or Basketball knowledgeable high school students) are needed for clock and referee during Elementary basketball home tournaments. 12/14, 1/25, 2/1 & 2/15
If you are available to assist, please reach out to Ashley Engh to sign up for a tournament!
After thorough study and discussion the school board decided not to start the Flexible Learning Year application process to apply to the Minnesota Department of Education for a 4 day school week.
Please see attached letter from the Floodwood School District.
Winter Concert is Tuesday December 17th at 6:00pm. All are welcome!!!
Holiday Read A Thon starts Friday! Entry forms will be sent home today.
Read 30 minutes every day and have a parent/guardian sign off on your reading. Bring your reading ticket to the front office and place in the drawing box. We will do daily drawings for awesome books from the Scholastic Book Fair.
Winter Wonderland Coloring Contest is back! Entry forms were sent home this week and extra's can be picked up in the office. Please return by Monday December 16th. All entries will be on display in the main hallway during the Winter Concert Tuesday December 17th.
Concession workers are needed for the 2024-2025 Basketball season. Please reach out to Jordan with questions or to sign up! 218-355-1795
Join us at for some ECFE holiday fun!