Students & Parents
Community Education
In case of extreme weather, the principal is authorized to close school. When such conditions exist, the school system notifies local news media. The media in turn passes this information on to you. The decision to close school is made prior to 6:00 a.m. Unless you hear that school is closed, you should assume school is open. Your cooperation in not calling the news media or school officials is really appreciated.
If a decision is made to start school late, it will always start at 10:30 a.m. That means the buses will run two hours later than their scheduled time.
A parent may personally determine not to let their child come to school during severe weather conditions. Parents who so desire, may come to the school to pick their child up in inclement weather at any time during the day. We will not dismiss students upon a telephone request.
Children who are absent will receive an excused absence providing proper parental notification has been received by the school.
Remember it is our obligation as adults to ensure that children dress warm for the Minnesota winter. Encourage your children to dress in layers. Always ensure that your children have good quality, warm clothing to cover their hands and heads.
If a school is to be closed for any reason, the instant notification calling system will go out to you immediately. It is the parent’s responsibility to check your contact information in Parent Portal for accuracy. If you need to change your emergency contact information, click here.
School closing information is broad casted as follows:
TV Stations:
KDLH Channel 3, KBJR Channel 6 & Range Channel 11, and WDIO Channels 10 & 13
Radio Stations:
WTBX 93.9FM, Radio USA 99.9FM, WNMT 650AM, KDAL 610 AM, 95.7 KDAL FM, WEBC 560AM, KKCB 105.1FM, KOZY 1320AM, KMFY 96.9FM, WKLK 96.5FM, & KGPZ 96.1FM
In the event Floodwood School has a school cancellation due to severe weather or emergency, the district may utilize an E-learning day for grades 3-12 and a Virtual learning day for PK-2.
E-learning day will be counted as a student contact day by meeting all requirements found in MN statute 120A.414 allowing schools to use up to five virtual learning days in the event of a weather emergency.
Virtual Day does not fully meet the statute requirement and will not be counted as a student day to MDE, but will count as a teacher contracted day.
Program Plan for High Quality E-learning Opportunities Grades 3-12:
Must involve on-line instruction tools such as Google Classroom, Google Docs, Schoology, Synergy, Websites, Videos, Blogs, etc. as approved by the Building Principal.
Include active instruction by teachers by providing feedback, coaching, clarifications, adjustments, etc. as appropriate per the learning activity.
Provide opportunities for peer interactions.
Integrate as seamlessly as possible into regular instruction that had been occurring. Grades 3-12 should design consistent learning activities for all students at the grade level. Avoid out of context tasks.
The School District will notify parents/guardians and students at least two hours prior to the normal school start time of the need to follow the E-learning Day Plan.
Student Attendance:
Student completion of learning work as directed by the teacher will be considered present for the class period. A student who does not complete assigned learning work will need a pre-approved parent's/guardians excuse or a parent/guardian excuse reported the following day to be an Excused Absence. If not, the absence will be Unexcused.
Teachers will report attendance of the E-learning Day on the next regular scheduled school day.
A student without Internet Access will choose from the following: download assignments to device, request paper version of learning work, or make up the work in accordance with excused absence guidelines. The District may have a limited number of Wi-Fi Hotspots to check out from the library if resources allow.
Teacher Access:
Teachers will be available either on-line or by phone during the E-learning day as required by statute.
Access by phone will mean that a student may call the teacher's classroom phone as directed by the teacher. A teacher may be involved in other tasks but must check voice mail messages 2 times during the day.
Access online will mean that a student may email, text, blog, use social media or message through online platforms as directed by the teacher. A teacher may be involved in other tasks but must check messages 2 times during the day.
The district strongly recommends that a teacher not use their personal mobile or home phones for these purposes. School phone number and school email are preferred.
Student Access:
Students will be provided a device, either Chromebook or iPad for the E-learning Day. A student may choose to use a personal device or home computer.
For students who do not have accessibility, the learning work will be downloaded to a device, drive, or the work will be done with paper copies as directed by the teacher, or the student will make up the work in accordance with excused absence guidelines.
Wi-Fi Hotspots may be checked out for students not having access at home as available.
Special Education:
Students will complete learning work specific to their IEP goals and modifications/accommodations.
Program Plan for High Quality Virtual Day, Grades PK-2
By grade level staff creates/modifies learning day grids as approved by the Building Principal.
Learning day grids are reviewed with class prior to a snow event. Parent/Guardian will initial work as evidence of completion.
Teacher collects grids and student work on the next day of class.
Grade levels may create additional learning activities that connect to the curriculum as approved by the Building Principal.
Teachers will check email and voicemail throughout the Virtual Day (2 times)
Students will complete at least one activity in each column.
An adult (parent/caregiver guardian) will initial each box completed.
All incomplete work will be made up as directed by the teacher.
All Volunteers need to have a background check one before they can volunteer in the school. Please contact the office for more information.