About Floodwood School

Location: The Floodwood School District is located in beautiful Northeast Minnesota surrounded by trees and water. At the center of the school district is where the Floodwood River and the Savanna River meet the St. Louis River.
Geographically Floodwood is located on Highway 2 halfway between Duluth and Grand Rapids. Highway 73 also intersects with Highway 2 in the city of Floodwood. The school is located on Highway 73, within the city limits.
Floodwood School has a student body of about 200 students in grades Pre-K through 12. According to the 2020 census, the Floodwood School District is home to 1,480 residents.
The geographical area of the school district is 317 square miles. The political units within the school district are the city of Floodwood, eight townships in St. Louis County, as well as one township in Aitkin County. The townships in St. Louis County are Potshot Lake, VanBuren, Halden, Floodwood, 85% of North Arrowhead Township, Prairie Lake, Fine Lakes, as well as Cedar Valley. The district also includes one unorganized township in Aitkin County just west of Potshot Lake.
The total market value in the school district was $94,885 in 2018.
History: The Floodwood School has been in existence since 1893 when the first school, a log building, was constructed. This was the same year the village of Floodwood was organized. The sum of four hundred dollars was borrowed from the state to buy books and supplies. The district was not independent at the time, so the school was a County School. Eight children attended the first year.
In 1911 the first building was built on the present site of the school. It was a six room, brick building. This was also the year that the school district became Independent School District No. 19. The children were transported to school with a team and wagon or sled. A man and team were paid twenty-eight dollars a month for hauling children twenty-four miles a day. The children that lived too far from town were boarded at homes in town. Their room and board were paid by the state.
The first class to graduate from Floodwood, after completing four years of high school, was in 1926. There were five graduates.
In the years to follow, there were five one-room county schools in the area that closed and many of those students joined the Floodwood district.
In 1957 the school district lines were expanded considerably and the Floodwood School became Independent School District #698. Four more additions were added to the building prior to 1995 when a new school was erected on the school site only leaving the most recent additions from 1958 and 1976. In 2003 the school was again added onto.
The present K-12 building has state of the art technology capabilities with two gymnasiums, an industrial arts area comparable to a post-secondary training center, and a fully equipped fitness room complimenting the modern classrooms.

Floodwood School's Mission- Prepare with Excellence- ROAR with pride
Floodwood School's Vision- Prepare all students to succeed