Good morning Floodwood students and staff. Today is Friday, November 2nd.
This is a reminder that students between the ages of 13 & 18 must be accompanied by a paying member who is over the age of 18 or a school employee to use the fitness center outside of school hours.
There will be no Open gym today per Mr. Bartsch.
If you missed the sports meeting last night and did not play fall sports, please see Mr Bartsch asap to get the forms you will need to participate. Also, all sports fees will have to be paid before you can participate. Fee for participation is $70 for all basketball players and cheerleaders. If there is an issue with the fee, please see Mr. Bartsch.
Please congratulate our All District 9 North Football team honorees:
Gavin Clark
Ethan Dehn
Jaxon Heggedahl
Errol Palmer
Levi Suonvieri
Honorable Mention:
Jake Fosness
Isaac Rohde
Braxton Farrell
League MVP: Gavin Clark
Coach of the Year: Coach Bartsch
The National Honor Society is sponsoring a Food Drive through November 15th. High School students and staff please put your donations in the box in the main hallway. All Elementary students please take your donations to your classroom to be part of the Win by weight what you donate contest.
The Chinese Acrobats will be performing this morning at 9:00 in the large gym. Please have all students in the gym and seated by 8:50. You are all welcome to come to watch their amazing tricks.
Any seniors who would like to retake the ASVAB test on November 8th can sign up on Ms. Fierke's door. Juniors, remember that you need to take either the ASVAB or the ACT or both!
The cafeteria will be open from 3:00 to 3:20 for a la carte purchases today.
Get your yearbook for $45.00. Go to to place your order. See Ms. Gillespie if you have any questions.
Today’s lunch is Pizza boats, romaine salad, carrots, fruit, and milk.
Tuesday’s breakfast is Breakfast wrap, fruit cup and juice.
Be sure to be in school and on time to get in the lunch line 3 minutes before your classmates.
Paws up to the students caught roaring with pride: Thank you for setting a good example to students and staff!
Have a great day and make good choices!
Remember there is no school on Monday. Have a nice and safe weekend.