Dear Parents:
On November 2nd, we will have a performance of The Chinese Acrobats at 9:00 a.m. in the gym. You are all welcome to watch their amazing tricks. I have seen them before and they will be well worth your time.
The end of the quarter is also on November 2nd. Conferences will be scheduled for all students in PK-12th grade on November 13th and 15th. Please watch for the invitation to go home with your elementary students. An invitation will be mailed home for students in 7th-12th grade. If the day/time doesn’t work for you, please connect with the teacher to reschedule. Conferences are a great time to celebrate the great things your child is doing and how to get support in areas where they might be struggling.
The teachers attended an amazing workshop last week. Dylan Wiliams, a professor from the University College of London, who specializes in using formative assessments. These assessments are used to determine whether students are learning what they are being taught. The assessments are used in minute-to-minute teaching as well as assessing over the course of weeks or even months. What does this mean for Floodwood teachers? It means we are going to work on the strategies and techniques that were shared and implement them into our teaching. The expectation is that students will benefit through continuous assessments rather than waiting until the end of the lesson, chapter, or unit to check for learning and understanding. We are expecting great things to happen.
There will be an informational meeting for the Operating Referendum on November 1st at 6:00 p.m. in the Media Center. The information will be a repeat of our meeting on October 15th. However, if you have new questions or weren’t sure about what you heard on the 15th, we encourage you to attend.
Winter weather will be upon us soon. Please be sure that you are sending your children to school in winter gear. They are outside for at least 30 minutes during recess unless the temperature with wind chill is -10 degrees.
If your high school student is driving to school, they are not allowed to drive once they are in school. If students choose to drive and we don’t have prior permission from a parent, this choice could result in detention or In School Suspension. If they are driving other students during lunch, this will result in an automatic ISS. Please help us to keep the students safe by talking to them about not driving during the school day.
Dr. Rae Villebrun
Floodwood School: Preparing all students to succeed.