Dear Parents:
There has been a flurry of activities this week as the students celebrate Homecoming. I look forward to the lip sync contest on Friday afternoon. The students put in lots of time practicing their routines so everything is just right. I love seeing their creativity. You are all welcome to join us during 5th and 6th hours (12:25-2:15) to watch.
The students in K-11th grade have taken assessments over the last few weeks to determine who needs extra support. Our support staff have set their schedules and have begun to work with small groups or individual students. You should have received a letter telling you what they are working on.
The teachers are working toward communicating more with families and the community. What kinds of questions do you have for the teachers? Are you wondering why your child has the assignment they have? Do you have questions about instructional practices? Have expectations changed since you were in school? These are some questions you might have about what is happening in our school.
Our goal for the year is to do a better job of informing you of what is happening. This week during the early out, the elementary teachers looked at a program that houses our student data. This program will make accessing the data for the teachers a bit easier as the data will be in one place. The high school teachers spent the time discussing instructional practices, using standards to guide lessons, and how they are going to be intentional in what they teach as well as how they teach. We use the early out as a way for staff to keep learning.
We have an informational meeting regarding the operating referendum on Friday at 5:30 p.m. in the Media Center. Please come to learn about the referendum and why it is important to our school.
We have reached the mid-quarter of the 1st quarter. Mid-term grades are due next week. Parents will have access to the grades beginning on October 2nd . If you want daily access to your child’s progress, please use Infinite Campus’ Parent Portal. You can also get the app on your phone.
Thank you for choosing Floodwood School! Enjoy your week!
Dr. Rae Villebrun