Good morning Floodwood students and staff. Today is Thursday, September 13th.
Good Luck to volleyball team in their home game tonight against Carlton!
Good Luck to the cross country team in their meet today at Little Falls!
A wallet was found in the girls’ locker room last week. Come to the office with the description to claim it.
Student Parking…Students who have purchased a parking pass - please come to the office between class time with your vehicle plate number, driver’s license, and auto insurance card. You will get your permit at that time. Any student in any grade that has a parking pass may park in football concession stand faculty lot – only on the north side of the garage, on the side closest to the football field – there are 7 spots available in that row. It’s a first come, first serve bases. If you want to park there, you just have to get their first. Students who have not paid for a permit are not allowed to park on school grounds.
There will be a Student Council meeting today during lunch in the band room.
A Hibbing Community College representative will be here tomorrow at noon. See Ms. Fierke for more details.
Get your 2018-19 yearbook ordered by September 21st for $40 and it comes with 4 free icons. After that, the price goes up to $55. Go to to place your order. See Ms. Gillespie if you have any questions.
Today’s lunch is meatloaf burgers, green beans, cucumbers/broccoli, fruit, & milk.
Tomorrow’s breakfast is cold cereal snack pack and Craisins.
If you want to get in the lunch line 3 minutes before your classmates, be in school and on time!
Paws up to the students caught roaring with pride: Lilly Manner, Stormi Heavirland, & Davion Watson. Thank you for setting a good example to students and staff!
Have a great day and make good choices!