What is it?
- A fun experience for all students (girls and boys) 3rd-6th grade
- 5 on 5 Flag Football
- Competition based on rules of good sportsmanship
- Emphasizing basic fundamentals, skill development and positioning
- Program will include a Punt, Pass and Kick Competition at half-time of a Varsity football game
- Varsity football players and parent volunteers will coach
When is it?
- The season will run from Monday, September 10 – October 1
- Games/practice will be on Mondays: 530pm-630pm on football field
- The first night, September 10, will be a football clinic
- Punt, Pass and Kick competition at half-time of Varsity game on October 12 (parent volunteers needed)
- Registration form (on back) turned in to school office by Thursday, September 6 at the end of the school day. Cost is $15, which will include a t-shirt and mouth guard (Late fee $5)
This activity is sponsored by the Floodwood Varsity Football program. Rules and regulations are set by football staff and will be regulated by parent volunteers and staff. Questions, please call (218.269.9207) or email (fbartsch@isd698.org) Head Football Coach Frank Bartsch.
Name ________________________________________
Grade _______________
Shirt Size ____________
Parent’s email _________________________________