Firearms Safety Course Scheduled

Youth and adults in the Floodwood area who are interested in hunting or shooting are invited to enroll in a MN Firearms Safety Course.

Students complete the online course at at their own pace. (Students should expect that this class will require at least 12 hours to complete.) The online learning program is approved by the Minnesota DNR and provides a narrated, illustrated, and interactive online method to cover what was previously taught in classroom sessions.  When the student has completed the course, they take a 50 question examination.  Once they have passed the exam, they pay a fee of $24.95, and are allowed to print a voucher that will allow them to attend the 2 hands-on sessions. 

Hands-on training sessions will be held in the Council Chambers of Floodwood City Hall (111 W 8th Avenue) on Thursday, August 9th  from 6:00 - 9:00 PM  (A parent or guardian must accompany student for the beginning of the first class to complete paperwork.). The second session (field training) will be held Friday, August 10th beginning at 9:00 AM.   

Students must bring the following to both sessions: article of blaze orange to wear, hat, and  survival kit they make to the first class (information included online course.)  Students must dress for the weather – we meet rain or shine.

Vernon VanGuilder and Jeff Kletscher certified firearms safety instructors will conduct the certification established by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the National Rifle Association

Students who enroll must be 11 years old by August 9th.  The class will cover safe gun handling, gun safety in the home, care and storage of firearms, marksmanship and hunter responsibility.  A fee of $7.50 will be charged by the City of Floodwood to cover course costs, and an additional fee of $7.50 will be charged by the DNR upon successful completion of the course (paid online).

Register by calling the Floodwood Police Department at 218-476-2239.  Please leave your name, parent's name, mailing address, email address, and telephone number (home and cell).  Class size is limited to the first 16 students who sign up.  NO WALK-INS accepted.

If parents have any questions regarding the course they may contact Jeff Kletscher at 218-476-2069 or the Floodwood Police Department at 218-476-2239.