Dear Parents and Guardians:

There are 38 days left in the school year.  I can hardly believe we are coming up to the end of the 2017-2018 school year.

We are now in full swing of MCA testing. Please make sure your child is in school every day and is well rested.

The 3rd-6th grade students will be attending the Shrine Circus free of charge on Friday, May 4th at 10:00 a.m.  As the day gets closer, the classroom teachers will send home information.

This week the students’ lesson is “Think before you act.” All students in grades PK-12 will be practicing this throughout the week. Please take a few minutes to ask them what they learned and what thinking before you act means. Our goal is to make Floodwood School a safe and welcoming environment so all students can learn.

As we are finishing this quarter, we are also preparing for the next school year. The high school students are registering for classes as we finalize the schedule. We could use your help by encouraging your students to finish the year strong. It is difficult to do this as the fresher, warmer air begins. The students’ grades at the end of the year are just as important as the grades at the beginning and middle of the year.

There will be a summer school program this year for the 6th-11th grade students who didn’t pass a class. The program will run for one week in June and one week in August. We are hoping this schedule will not only give the students a chance to recover grades/credits, it will also give them the break they need to have fun and relax.


Dr. Rae Villebrun