Dear Parents and Guardians:
Parent/Teacher Conference invitations went home with the elementary students and were mailed for the high school students. We are trying something new for the high school with the hope of increasing the number of parents who attend conferences. We will let you know how it goes. If scheduling the conferences doesn’t work, we will try something else. 

With the end of 3 rd quarter in sight, it is time for the end of the quarter celebrations. The elementary students celebrated with Zumba Tonic on March 23 rd . The high school students will celebrate on April 3 rd during 5th , 6th , and 7th hours. They will choose from a movie, gaming, and gym activities. The movie will be Jumanji and is rated PG-13. An Opt Out permission slip will be going home with 7th and 8th graders. If you would prefer your child not watch the movie, please return the slip or call the school. If you are okay with your child watching the movie, you won’t have to do anything.

The first week of Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments will be April 9th -12th with the 7th, 8th, and 10th graders taking the Reading MCA. The 3 rd graders will take their Reading MCA on April 10th and 11th . Please mark your calendars to ensure the students are in school on these days and are well rested and ready to show how much they have learned this year. For a full schedule of testing, you can find it at 

We will continue to send updates on the MCA schedule as this will be a busy few weeks to ensure all students are assessed. If you have questions regarding MCAs, please connect with us. This is an important time of year for the school. The results of the MCAs tell us if we are moving in the right direction with our professional development and teaching practices. We continue to work on improving instruction and look forward to success of our students.


Dr. Rae Villebrun