THANK YOU to the Senior students (Jenna, JD, Cameron, Kalen, Adriana, & Faith) who ran the Dollars for Scholars phone-a-thon this week! THANK YOU to the Dollars for Scholars volunteers for providing this wonderful opportunity for college students in our community!! THANK YOU to those who donate!!!
Thanks to volunteers and donations (small and large), last year alone, 22 local post-secondary students were awarded a total combined amount of $35,000 in scholarships! A total of $436,745 in scholarships have been awarded to 751 students since the organization began 30 years ago!
IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY DONATED, IT'S NOT TOO LATE! click here to donate online, or send a check payable to Floodwood Dollars for Scholars and mail to PO Box 226, Floodwood, MN 55736. All donations are tax deductible!
You can also join the 698 Club Permanent Scholarship Fund and have your name or organization be included on the tree plaque in the school foyer.
For more information, contact Kathy Juusola at 218-476-2517.