Good morning Floodwood students and staff. Today is Thursday, December 7th.
Good Luck to the girls basketball team in their game at McGregor tonight at 7:15 pm. Bus load time is 3:50 pm.
There will be no ADAPT today.
Juniors - if you'd like to take the ACT on Feb 27th and haven't signed up yet, please sign up with Ms. Fierke. There is no cost for juniors. If there are any seniors who would like to take it, the cost is $64.50. The deadline to sign up is December 13.
The student council will be doing a donation drive for Life House in Duluth for homeless youth like they did last year. There will be a box set up in the entry hallway for you to place items such as toothpaste, soap, shampoo, or anything you think they could use. The drive will take place Dec 11-21.
This Friday the Jostens rep will be here to meet with seniors about ordering graduation items. We will call you out of class at the beginning of 6th hour to meet in Mrs. Fjeld's room. Then sophomores who are interested in purchasing a class ring will be called out to meet with the rep.
Varsity Knowledge Bowl practice will be held today during Senior High lunch and at 3:30 after school in Mr. Tollefson's room.
Today’s lunch is Chili, corn, carrots, bread, and fruit.
Tomorrow’s breakfast is Cold Cereal Snack Pack and raisins.
Paws up to the students caught roaring with pride…Thank you for setting a good example to students and staff!
Have a great day and make good choices!