Good morning Floodwood students and staff. Today is Wednesday, September 27th.
Congratulations to Wyatt for coming in 1st in the Deer River Cross Country meet.
There will be no Math Specialist today.
If you need a snack before practice starts on Wednesdays, the Polar Den has a variety of food to purchase such as pizza rolls, ramen noodles, Gatorade, hot pretzels and other items. See the menu on the window for options!
Today is the first day for Religious Release. Students in grades 1-6 will meet from 1:00 – 1:45. Please have the students meet at the front door at 12:58. High School students will be released from 4th hour at 11:18. Religious Release will be from 11:23-12:00.
The Seniors will be sponsoring Hat Day this Friday, September 29th, The price will be $1.00.
Any juniors or seniors interested in meeting with the recruiter from Hibbing Community College on Oct 2 at 10:30 can sign up in the office.
Any students interested in volunteering for the Meadowlands Community Center Halloween Party on Oct 28th can sign up with Ms. Fierke by Oct 5th. See Ms. Fierke for details
Junior High Knowledge Bowl practice will be Friday morning at 8 in Mr. Tollefson's room.
Any students interested in Drivers Training can sign up outside Ms. Fierke's office. The dates will be October 30- Nov 10 from 3:15-5:15. Cost is $125
Good News. Yearbooks are still $40.00 for a while. Make sure to get yours before the price goes up.
The Floodwood Police Dept is sponsoring an ATV Safety Course on Saturday Oct 14. Students must be ages 6-15. Contact the Police Dept. for details.
Any high school student that wants a parking pass must turn in your form and your $15.00 fee to the office. The parking lots are being monitored so please park in your designated area.
Today’s lunch is a Ham sandwich, carrots/celery and fruit.
Tomorrow’s breakfast is Omelet/Muffin, fruit cup and juice.
Paws up to the students caught roaring with pride…Thank you for setting a good example to students and staff!
Have a great day and make good choices!