Good morning Floodwood students and staff. Today is Tuesday, September 5th.
Please stand and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Good luck to the girl’s JH volleyball team in their game at Hill City at 5:30 pm and to
the High School girl’s in their game at 7:00 pm.
Any students who have schedule changes need to have them to Ms. Fierke by tomorrow. After Wednesday, no schedule changes will be made. Remember, parents must sign your current schedule with the change written on it.
Any students interested in Junior High and Elementary Knowledge Bowl please sign
up in the office this week.
Juniors or Seniors who are interested in taking the October ACT must be registered by Sept. 22. See Ms. Fierke if you need help.
Anyone interested in cheering this fall please see Ms. Hanson ASAP today for more information.
Homework Help with Ms. Fjeld will start next Tuesday, September 12th after school until 4 pm for 7-12 grade students.
Winners of the Scenic Rivers drawing: Janeah Laine and Lexi Bailey. You can pick up
your prizes in the office.
Today’s lunch is California burger, baked beans, and fruit.
Tomorrow’s breakfast is mini waffles, fruit cup and juice.
Have a great day and make good choices!