
Daily Bulletin for Thursday, December 19th 2024

Good Morning Floodwood students and staff, today is Thursday, December 19th. 

You are welcome to stand and join in the Pledge of Allegiance.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Good luck to the girls basketball team at their AWAY game tonight against McGregor! Bus loads at 4:10, and the bus will leave at 4:20 

Today is ugly holiday sweater Day! Tomorrow is HOLIDAY BLING day!

The Student Council has planned a high school-wide basketball event for Friday during 6th and 7th hours.  There will be a staff team, along with our high school teams. If you have a group of students that would like to make a team, let the Student Council know. A bracket will be created Thursday. The games will be ten minutes long and then a new game will start.

Today is your last turn in canned goods! Classroom bins will be tallied and the winner will be revealed tomorrow!

One more reminder for the 8th graders! Please bring your permission slips for the Pathways Field Trip to Ms. Schubitzke as soon as possible! Thank you!

Happy Birthday to Ava Fjeld!

Today’s lunch is cheeseburger, pickles, fries and baked beans served with fruit and milk.

Tomorrow's breakfast is cinnamon roll served with juice and milk .

Caller No.4

In the movie “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, what critter sneaks inside on the christmas tree?

  • Squirrel